Thursday, August 12, 2010

TVSF Day 2

At the petting zoo. She tried hard to convince me, but I told her the only way we will have a bunny is if I can name him "Friedfordinner".

We ran into Cayla with Gavin and Logan. I tried to get a picture of Logan smiling up at Liam with his two little teeth, but missed it every time.

A slightly healthier day at the fair....frozen chocolate dipped banana!


  1. Zoe is hurrying to find her bunny - she likes the picture of Abbie with the little lagomorph :).

  2. Yay! More fun! The baby bunny is soooo cute and Abbie's definitely got her puppy eyes on. The pic of Liam and Gavin is still nice, babies just like him; he's a likable guy. It's almost like his childhood adoration of "the guys" transfers onto all the little ones he meets.

    Sissy, what is a lagomorph?

    Love you all!

  3. Lagomorph = wascawy wabbit.

  4. Glad everyone had fun at the fair and that Zoe had fun looking at the pictures. Keep reminding her of who we are!
