Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Photo challenge #2-4

2. A picture of you and the person you are closest to:

Surprised right? Pic taken by Jess or Justin in Las Vegas in 2009.
3. A photo of the cast of your favorite TV show:

4. A picture of a habit you wish you didn't have.

Procrastination...this would be the chair for Lily I am recovering for her birthday on June 17th. It also made it's appearance as the industrial smile face in a recent post, before it's final coat of brown paint. Notice the pretty cover fabric, it is not quite on the chair yet...sigh. I am sure I will work on it tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

30 photo challenge #1

My cousin, Jessie, did a photo challenge on her blog and my sister, Lily followed on her blog. I think it is too much fun (and I have been slacking off on here) so I am going to go too.
#1 says a photo of me and 15 facts:

1. Kyle took this picture of me, which is a little shocking...I had to go all the way back to Aussie day to find a flattering pic of myself.
2. I have at least 10 unfinished sewing projects right now.
3. I made yellow curry and beef fried rice for dinner.
4. I HAVE to have coffee every morning.
5. I have purple sparkled nails right now (surprised right?)
6. I am going to go to J&J's wedding in Australia!!!!
7. I can spin rod fish all day and not catch a thing, and still be ready to fish after the kids go to bed.
8. I am still shopping for a new house.
9. I would rather stay up all night and sleep in.
10. I don't like fresh grapes.
11. I am willing to try any new food once.
12. I have new coconut lipbalm.
13. Most perfumes give me a headache.
14. I am addicted to facebook.
15. My feet are cold.

How to eat a waffle

By Abbie Rose

Friday, June 24, 2011


A chicken tractor!

Kyle had a this week off and had collected a bunch of scrap wood. So this is what he built today, pretty cool huh? A chicken tractor is basically a coop and outdoor pen in one that you can move around the yard...this one is now beside the house by the rhubarb.

These birds were getting a little large and definitely needed to go outside. We have one more box of smaller chicks that need some more feathers to be able to be outside overnight, but these ones are happy now!

And such fun to watch :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A hint

A little of the project I have been working on, more when I get finished :) Kyle is supposed to be typing up a blog post about grilling salmon. But I realized it has been a while between posts around

I will see if I can prod him into going a little faster while I get back to crafting :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011


So, all of Zara's hens were snatched by a predator and because it is the end of time to buy chicks....we decided to get some more :)
Lots more....16!
They are going to hang out in our garage for a few days.......

And we had to have some of this too:

Monday, June 6, 2011


Was that a good goat yell? This is how the kiddos and I spent the evening:

As most of you know, my best friend Zara, has a farm. And on that farm there are dairy goats....and to get the dairy part you need babies! Her two goats Winnie and Mehe are pregnant, and we got to see Winnie give birth tonight!

Such a sweet tiny kid.

Rose was excited to go, but had to duck out of the barn during the delivery part as Winnie was loud! Not that I blame her :) I think Rose felt bad for Winnie, but my girl was all about that tiny new life, so soft!

Liam stayed through the whole process though and even tried to be a kid warmer. It was a little cool today and the damp newborn was chilled.

How cute is that? Such a sweet way to spend the evening :)