Monday, August 16, 2010

School starts

It is time for school again up here, this year we will have kids at Weller Elementary and Tanana Junior High. Hopefully all the timing will work out!
Liam got to pick up his schedule today and try out his locker. We finally figured it out with the help of some older students and re-connected with some old friends. He only allowed me on picture, outside :)

Abbie also got to find out about her new teacher and classroom. She will have Mrs. Hovda in room 10. Liam also had her for second grade. And ice cream!


  1. Oh, our small darlings are getting so BIG. Good luck Liam and Abbie!

  2. Very stylish big kids! Love ya!

  3. Big changes for both Liam and Abbie. It's not easy to adjust to a bedtime/homework schedule... when you're used to Alaska summer! Leigh, you may have to write up your delivery/pick-up schedule on an Excel spreadsheet! (I never got ice cream on MY first day of school. What's up with THAT.) Love you!

  4. Yeah, they are both looking so grown up. I hope both kids have a great year ahead of them! Love to you all, you can do it!
