Friday, July 3, 2009


Yesterday we tried baking bread in the big oven again. We mostly do pizza or flat breads. Something you can cook quickly and see through the open door. Kyle has been wanting to perfect baking loaves, so we made it our project for the day. After firing one load of wood, we left the door off till the temp came down to about 500. We put the door on and let the temp equalize for about 20 minutes, then sprayed down the inside with water (good for the breads oven-spring) In went the bread and we let it bake closed for about 10 minutes, then sprayed again. The bread baked for about another 25 minutes. Then we pulled out pretty golden brown loaves! The oven was hot enough to bake another time, but I was out of dough. The loaves got baked through and the crust was soooooo good! The even heat from the oven almost made them toasted on the outside. We will definitely be doing this again, it was an excellent way to have fresh bread in the heat of summer!


  1. Tasty! Tasty! and pretty too.

  2. I notice lots of exclamation points in the comments, and can't help but add my own: Lovely loaves! Truly artisan bread!

  3. Isaiah says Hi and that he would like to have some with butter!
