Friday, October 29, 2010

Trick or treat preview

The retirement home where my Grandma lives has trick or treats before Halloween so there isn't too many kids. So we will get to go twice! The best part about TorT-ing there is the walking inside...while it is not too cold this year (25 and snowing!) it is still too cold for wandering around with no coat.

Liam AKA Big Al

Abbie Rose AKA Alisha the vampire

And Dr. Horrible the evil mad scientist! (cue the maniacal laughter)


  1. Leigh, I said it for Amy, and now I say it for you... Sew Awesome! x 3! Love the costumes and the creative minds that came up with them. Everyone is pulling their character off with panache. Have fun!

  2. Great costumes and great fun!
    Love to all, Aunt Dena

  3. Great pictures of your family! Where is your costume, Leigh?
