Saturday, June 27, 2009

Peep, peep

The Robin eggs have hatched on the wheel of the plow truck. The mama Robin has been fairly tolerant of our peeking at her nest. She flies away as we approach, but doesn't try to peck our eyes out for taking a quick look. The baby is not so cute but very fascinating! The only down side is, I don't want to move the nest, so we can't drive the truck! Good thing we have family willing to haul trash for us. (Anybody know how long we will have to wait?)


  1. The Birder's Handbook says robins fledge 14 to 16 days after hatching. Please be careful about peeking as the chick gets older - the chick can get scared and bail out of the nest before it's really old enough to leave. So fun that you guys are getting to watch this!

  2. 14-16 days is such a short amount of time! Baby birds grow up fast...

  3. Very not cute! Only a mother could love this one.
    Those that hatched on the pipe rack a couple of years ago seemed to be grown and gone within days. We were able to watch them from the garage with the spotting scope so weren't too invasive.
