Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It is the bacon time of year again! After a week long soak in the brine, we were ready to smoke yesterday. This year we tried drying the slabs in the smoker to form the pellicle.

A bungee/chair barrier to keep out bacon molesters.


All smoked and cut for packaging.

The haul for this year, I haven't weighed it yet, but it sure looks good!


  1. Jus had to google pellicle. Are those hangers made from forks? Love all that you guys do!

  2. lol yes the hangers are forks! The smoke is so much more even when the slabs are hung and thrift store forks are cheap, sturdy and easy to clean.

  3. Good improve with the forks! We noticed them too. Good job all around!

  4. Wow! - that bacon looks pretty good.... you guys are becoming very experienced after trial and error - how cool! :-)

  5. Wow! - that bacon looks pretty good.... you guys are becoming very experienced after trial and error - how cool! :-)

  6. Had to google pellicle too. Please elaborate, why does it need a pellicle, or what does it do for the bacon? I like the chair screen and forks too. Resourceful!

  7. Sorry guys, I need a better way to keep track of my comments....The pellicle is a sticky dried layer that forms on the outside of the meat to be smoked, it attracts the smoke particles. Bad formation of the pellicle will mean you don't get good color/flavor and when used as a preservative, your meat will not be properly cured.
