Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blog Interrupted

Sorry for the lack of blog posts, but our life has been put on hold for sickness, a little thanksgiving, more sickness and now LICE! Yes, we now join the ranks of parents of school age kids dealing with this tiny traveler. I am a little surprised Liam hasn't come home with it before, I guess his hair is too short. Abbie's is thick and inviting though...Kyle is the only one to escape so far but I am still making him use tea tree oil shampoo and get checked every day. On the advice of the school nurse, I went with a pesticide free gel and nit comb for Abbie and coconut oil soak and nit combing for Liam and I(followed by the tea tree oil soaping) The combing was about as bad as I had feared and will need to be repeated. But the washing is what is causing me the most angst. 6 loads and counting....with water at $.10 per gallon. Plus fuel to heat the water and lots of electricity to heat the dryer. Not to forget the lice killing stuff I bought today.....sigh. End of ranting, perhaps the day will be better tomorrow.


  1. Oh man. That bites! Sorry you got hit all at once with this stuff. Hopefully this will mean you've all put in your time and can be done and healthy for a long while.

  2. Nasty little critters aren't they! My prayers are with you as I know how bad they can be. When Selina was little it seemed like every four weeks we would go through this until I discovered that the little boy that she shared the desk with had them and was convienently absent each time they did the lice check! I immediately requested that she no longer share the desk with him and that lice problem finally ended!
