Saturday, April 21, 2012

Another Honor Roll

I couldn't resist putting this pic can't see the rest of Liam, but it is soooooo him right now! The assembly was actually the 17th, but end of quarter was March 9. I am sure there will be one more for this year then on to High School!


  1. Grandma Lorna and GrandadApril 22, 2012 at 8:56 PM

    smart cutie!

  2. Good job Liam! The thing about school is that you usually have to sit through the boring order to get to the interesting stuff. At least that was MY experience. Getting a good grade in a class you love is rewarding. Getting a good grade in a class that appears totally lame or is taught by a bad teacher, now THAT'S a good student. Keep up the good work!

  3. So proud of my nephew! Keep going!
