Wednesday, March 9, 2011



  1. Do you have a touch of spring fever also?

  2. Oooooo - fun! I scattered wildflower seeds a few days ago (in the garden this year in lieu of veggies) and planted a few gladiola bulbs. So exciting! I see chives in your array - I want some of those too.

  3. I was just sifting through my seeds this morning too! It is fun to think of the potential...

  4. Oh man. Now, we talking! In my next house I want to have a raised bed where I can grow things to EAT. Also, some berries (blueberry and strawberry)...and an Italian plum tree. I ended up buying some seeds on line this year, but they're all ornamentals for my current garden. They should be here any day. It's like waiting for Christmas!
