Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thai food on ice

I keep forgetting to post about the lettuce wraps we had...J&J sent some packets of sauce in our goodie box to make up lettuce cups. I cooked up some garlic and onion them browned some minced chicken with some carrot and water chestnut. Next you stir in the sauce and you eat it with sliced scallion in a butter lettuce leaf, very tasty! I looked around at the local Asian import store for some more packets like this but had no luck...I will have to make up some sauce of my own to have on hand. I also made some yellow curry for the kids (they have an aversion to lettuce!) this is on of their favorite meals. Nice and easy too, you sauté the curry paste with oil add some coconut milk and bring to a boil, add sliced chicken and more coconut milk and boil again, last add onion and potato and a little water and cook till done, finishing with a little sugar and a squeeze of lime. The curry paste was found at a tiny Asian market and we like it so much I decided to buy some Masman paste the last time I was there, we will have to try it soon! I also made some veggie/chicken stir fry for Kyle as he can't eat coconut milk. Then we invited Mom and Dad and Chris over to help us eat up the feast :) I also tried something labeled pappadams (also from the box), they are pressed lentil disks that you deep fry like a chip. I like them and they go really well with curry, but they were not universally popular...maybe too much bean flavor? After all that food talk I am hungry! I am having leftover miso soup from last night for my lunch so I will leave you with some cute kid pics of ice skating with Auntie Lily over Christmas break:

Check out Liam's cool hoodie, it has washable headphones attached!

I have to tell you that AR dressed up 'like a figure skater' for this, notice the color coordination, mini skirt and leggings, and her favorite fashion accessory right now, fingerless gloves...too cute, I love when she does that!

P.S. I wanted to ask you Aussies out there, are water chestnuts different over there? I have never seen them any way but canned...I like them for the texture but they mostly just taste like a can.


  1. Wow, all that food sounds delicious! I wanna come over for dinner! Love the pics of the kids, very cute for sure. Love you!

  2. We luuuuv massaman curry at our house. I rarely make it from scratch, as the ingredient list is long, but I'll share the recipe if you want. Of course, there are a bajillion different versions out there. David gets it any time he sees it on a menu.
