Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Really need to get some shiny bird deterrent. This greeted me after we returned home from town...


  1. :(

    Do check birds for metal bracelets and call in the ID number (phone number on bracelet, or you can call ABO).

  2. Whoa! The security word I had to type to post the comment above was "odedn." How did the computer know the bird was a dead one??

  3. Unfortunately, it was only a matter of time before this happened.

    PS - Only Amy would see "dead one" in the odedn! It is obvious though when pointed out.

  4. The security word I had to type when I posted my guess for Zoe's arrival was "ancestor". Though I'm not exactly an ancestor I thought that was interesting too.

  5. We have birds flying into the mirrored windows at work all time. They typically leave an imprint on the window showing wing span. I haven't seen any that have died, just stunned for a while. I would try the old CD thing to keep them away. Love to all, Aunt Dena
