Sunday, May 17, 2009


Lorna and I (Abbie too!) escaped to the greenhouses today! The trip to Risses was a bust but we got lots of pretty things at Plant Kingdom. I ended up with a double ruffle petunia (in purple, imagine that!) pink violas for Abbie, some stock and a habenero pepper. Also acquired: mint, ginger mint, basil, thai basil, oregano, rosemary, parsley and lemon thyme. Now all I need is a plan!


  1. Sorry I haven't posted in so long! We have been going to school stuff lately and I have pictures, but, none of just my kids and I think it is creepy to put pictures of other peoples kids on the internet.

  2. Herbs galore! Very fun.

  3. That is very fun, have a good time planting and caring for them. I know I love tending to my plants.
