Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hop hop

That crazy rabbit made his usual delivery in our neighborhood last night. He is so sneaky we didn't even hear him! The Easter bunny hides the goody baskets for the kids in our house.....he has to be pretty sneaky to hide one from Liam. I think Mr. Bunny must have heard Liam bragging about knowing all the good hiding places in the house. Abbie found hers quickly underneath Mom's sewing cabinet, but Liam's basket was hidden under my stand mixer cover. He must have looked in the kitchen 20 times before he found it!


  1. I can see some excitement here! Save some of those beautiful eggs for us when we come for dinner today. Love ya! Gramma Lorna & Grandad

  2. Fun! (Did Abbie change gowns during the basket hunt??)

  3. Good stuff! Happy Easter to you guys.
