It is finally spring and time for pizza! At the beginning of a pizza party is the dough mixing time. I have one baking book with a whole chapter devoted to The Good Dough. What it should feel like, smell like, how wet or loose you dough should be. After lots of pizza prep days, I make dough entirely by feel. I know it needs to be a little stiff and dry to come off the peel and into the oven successfully.

I buy bread flour in twenty five pound bags from Sam's Club, the higher protein content is a must. Yeast and a little sugar, a good blop of olive oil and salt. Some sourdough adds a nice flavor and softer texture. Sometimes I add some rye flour for flavor. Nice warm water and lots of kneading.

I have been asked for a recipe, and I have written down approximate measurements, but it is really more of a feel. How much of each ingredient I add depends on the weather and how the flour and dough feels. It also depends on my mood, sometimes you just want to do something different!