Friday, March 6, 2009

Birthday girl

Today is the last day of school before spring break(we just got 10 inches of snow, better to say semester break!) Abbie's birthday will fall during spring break, so we celebrated with her class today. I asked her if she wanted cupcakes, cookies, popsicles, doughnuts, rolls or naan. She didn't get excited about anything until I mentioned popcorn. Fresh popped with butter and salt. Her teacher was surprised we brought in something so healthy! It was a hit with her class, we brought in good sized bowls to serve in, but most kids even had seconds. I took in my largest stock pot and came home with about 3 inches in the bottom. Pretty good for 20 kids and 3 adults! Abbie decided she could take care of that:

Popcorn with cheese!!


  1. Happy, healthy, pretty girl!! Love ya!

  2. What a wonderful picture! Love the genuine smile behind that popcorn :).

  3. A child after my own heart! I like popcorn, too.

  4. It is a really great picture. I think a love of popcorn runs through the family, because I currently have a Costco sized jug of popcorn kernels in my pantry. It may be time to make some; that looks mighty tasty!

    Happy birthday soon Abbie!
