Abbie and I went to a Girl Scouts camp this summer. I don't have any other pictures from it as it was actual camping, and I'm terrible about taking photos any more! We drove down, just us girls to Anchorage a few days early for some hang out and shopping time. Abbie is a good car trip companion, She sleeps half the time I think! Though it would be nice if she could drive some of the time.
We didn't do anything special in Anch. Lots of hanging out at the hotel pool and hot tub, Abbie's favorite! I will absolutely recommend the Hampton Inn. They are newly remodeled and it is always a great stay there. We ate at Aunt Annie's Pretzels I think 4 times! My girl loves her bread...and this new place Fat Ptarmigan Yummy wood fired pizza and wine, also ice cream around the corner. Also a little shopping, nothing amazing except finally finding mud boots big enough for my girl.
Next we met most of Abbie's troop in Palmer at the fairgrounds for 4 days of Girl fun! It is a huge event put on by the Anchorage council, they said about 720 girls between the ages of 8-18 were registered at the camp. The fairgrounds is really big, they had a fun walk/run one afternoon and the main loop we walked all the time was almost a mile! It was great to have the flush toilets, buildings and landscaping from a major fairgrounds and the organizers really knew how to manage that many people. As most of us were in tents, it was greatly appreciated.
The girls had 3 activities to go to a day, everything from intro to dog mushing, coin collecting, and HAM radio operating. Each night the whole camp would meet in the main event hall to hear a speaker. The favorite of all the girls was Ally Zirkle, a, Alaskan lady dog musher, she managed to hold all their attention for almost two hours! It was a little chilly as the wind blows pretty much non stop in Palmer, but we were dressed for it. We did get rained on and our tents flooded our last night but luckily the organizers let us use an empty building to sleep in.
We drove back to Fairbanks with AR's troop leader and some more girls. There was much less construction but we didn't make it any faster of a trip, we stopped for several hours in Denali Park to eat dinner and wander around. It was a great trip and so nice for me to travel with Abbie this time for an activity.
That sounds really fun! A nice little getaway.