Once again my blogging time has been hijacked by kid fun. Not that I mind, and it does seem as though I have plenty of time while out waaaiting on practices and classes to be over that I could blog. Maybe I should take up a collection to fund an iPhone so I can blog from the range and ballet studio?
Abbie Rose just finished a ballet class with North Start Dance studio. I have been bad about bringing my camera to events and so I have no pictures to post...but she did have a good time and is already thinking to do it again next year. Abbie Rose also got to check out her violin for the summer from school. She had to turn in most of her sheet music but has he beginning book to practice from and has had it out several times so far. Abbie Rose has also decided to try an overnight camp this year and will be going to Li-Wa in June. The Girl Scouts are also planning to go camping as a troop sometime this summer, possibly in July. I also have a cooking for kids camp to sign her up for on Monday. The end of her school year has been pretty good, she has become quite a good writer and their class entered the "Six words for the birds" contest in the paper: (link) (AR goes by just Rose at school) Ms Hammer has been a great teacher that AR has gotten to stay with for two years, but on to someone new next year!
As for Liam, he is gearing up for the end of school, his load of accelerated classes mean lots of extra work and a high expectation of these kids. He is also still shooting with the Midnight Sun Sharpshooters for anyone who doesn't know, they shot a match on May 5 as a postal for the 3 position state junior Olympics. They did so well as a team their score was the highest in the section! That means they got invited to the National competition in Alabama in July. There are three sections competing with a total of 225 shooters who compete as teams and also individually. The match is called the Three Position Air Rifle Championships run by the Civilian Marksmanship Program. With our official notification just coming in this week, we have all been in a flurry of travel plans and fund raising efforts! Everything will come together fine and I am sure the kids will do well, but this means much more time at the range for our kids.
As for us grown-ups, Kyle has a full work schedule for the summer. He built a chicken coop with the intent for having meat birds once it warms up...I will encourage him to post about it, but don't hold your breath! We are also having some of our layer flock to vacation for the summer at least, the coop is intended to hold some of them for the winter but I think we are going to end up eating a few. Kyle's sister and her family are going to be visiting in July, overlapping Liam and I's trip to AL. With all of these big doings, I don't know how much camping we will fit in but I'm sure we will at least make it out for day river trips!
Some random recent pics for you:
I decided Abbie Rose needed a corsage for her Spring orchestra concert. I think she liked it :)
No good pic of Liam from anytime recent, so you will have to make do with his birthday cake...he had rifle on his birthday so his request: chocolate cupcake cake with cream cheese icing. The air rifle was my addition! Note to self, don't try to ice a cupcake cake in a warm room with real frosting. Lots of dripping, but it tasted wonderful!
So busy! thanks for taking time to keep us up to date.