Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Kyle's Dinner

Kyle's dinner made him happy, so he had to take a picture ;) Cauliflower soup, baked chicken fingers, and corn.

Rose helped me make it, she was happy to eat it too!

Liam was having a teen moment and not in love with having his picture taken. Notice the giggling though, I think this is shot 4 or 5...we will get him one way or another!


  1. We enjoyed some cauliflower also, much to the surprise of my dinner partner who made the comment that something sure was smelly! Amazing how tasty it is when roasted and coated in spices. We ate the whole head for dinner!

  2. Good job you guys! Getting all your veggies in. Nice job AR for helping make dinner. The soup sounds delicious to me, but I don't think J would be interested. You guys enjoy though!

  3. How does one make cauliflower soup interesting without cheese or other milk products? I see lots of pepper...

  4. We like the soup, even my brother who doesn't like most things vegetable likes it. The recipe came from here: I use LF whole milk to thicken it and don't add the sour cream (just to my bowl). I also puree it fairly smooth with my stick blender...tasty stuff!

  5. Looks good to me too! You guys do SUCH a good job being creative with food. (I'm still trying to get over the fact that I missed out on some of those ribs that came out of the mud oven...)
