Thursday, May 19, 2011

That's cool

Ever wanted to make ice cream in a hurry? I saw a video on Martha Stewart months ago where a guest chef made ice cream with dry ice! I thought that would be a perfect last project to do in Rose's class. I decided we would have to do a 'dry' run at home first. It is pretty simple, you make the custard (milk, eggs, sugar and flavor) put it in the stand mixer, smash up about 2 cups of dry ice as fine as you can and start mixing it into the custard. It will bubble and fizz while freezing in about 5 minutes!

Oh, yes and it looks like the mixer is on fire! These shots don't show when it is really subliming, but the kiddos were suitably impressed.

I did some simple experiments too, putting a chunk in a bowl of water so the vapor boils out all around, making smoking bubbles with dish soap and water, and blowing up a balloon (it was over the mouth of a bottle).

All finished! It was a little strange and carbonated at first but now it just tastes like fluffy vanilla ice cream. Another reason to make the ice cream the kids are going to eat is to make SURE there are no more chunks of dry ice hanging around.



  1. What a "cool" idea! (Sorry about that :-) Liam seems to be enjoying the process, too.

  2. What a crazy and fun way to make ice cream! Hope it was a hit at school. (How could it not be??)

  3. You definitely put your stand mixer through it's paces. The ice cream looks delectable!

  4. Leigh, did you walk into Rose's classroom wearing Kyle's Halloween costume? THAT would have been perfect :) How many kids got home from school and begged their Moms to go buy some dry ice?

  5. It was definitely a hit at school! I had to get another block as too much had sublimed in the night....but that made it more fun because we could do more experiments! I don't know about the other kids at school, but Liam has already asked me to get some more :)
