Monday, July 26, 2010


An older picture of my out door canning kitchen. My parental units gifted me some excellent new canning supplies for my birthday, including a real water-bath canner. Unfortunately, it says not for use on glass top stoves. It is also giant and wouldn't really fit on my out on the deck we go! It worked out so well, this is the way I will do it every time! I made my jelly in the house while the jars were sterilizing outside on the camp stove. Then I used the long table to load the jars and then back into the canner for sealing. It didn't get the house all steamy and hot and the view was excellent! Next up, blueberry and raspberry.........


  1. That's awesome! I wish I could come over and help, and learn how. It's a very efficient set up. I'm so jealous of homemade preserves... drooling...

  2. Ooops. I've used mine on the glass top stove. No harm done as far as I can see. But by all means, keep the steam outside! Bet your finished jars look and taste beautiful.

  3. Looks like a great set up, Leigh - and while it's bubbling away you could sit on a chair and have a glass of wine and enjoy the view!

  4. VERY cool! Nothing like homemade jelly on an English muffin. (I'll bet you could even make the English Muffin if the mood strikes!)

  5. perfect set up!
