Thursday, February 19, 2009

One more...

I couldn't resist one last birthday post. Liam requested chocolate cake with vanilla frosting for his family birthday party, the end of his week long birthday! I made my favorite recipe for chocolate cake from Hershey (link for those interested). This cake is everything you could want in a good chocolate cake, moist, rich and very chocolaty! Valerie always wants this one for her birthday also and now refers to it as "her" cake. I almost always make a layer cake when baking for a special occasion, but Liam thought we needed more room for the guitar this time so I had to make it flat. We just had the last piece today and it was still good!

*image courtesy Cindy Swaim via e-mail

P.S. I have just heard that you guys check up on my blog as much as I do yours :) I will try harder to update more often(and boot Kyle in the behind so he will also!)


  1. Hee hee, I shouldn't confess how many times per day I check for new updates...I miss you guys and love to hear what you're doing!

    I think we'll just have to call this "Leigh's Best Birthday Cake" so we can all have it on our day! I would like mine with dark chocolate frosting, please.

  2. I'm just as guilty about looking at everyone's sites. Love you all!

  3. Well, I guess if we're all confessing...I too am guilty of obsessive post checking. Like Amy said, It's nice to get caught up with everyone, I feel more connected to my family.

    As for that cake, you could duplicate Amy's for my birthday, Yum! (actually I think you have done that exact cake for my birthday, and it was delicious...)
