Saturday, August 27, 2011

First field trip

I was able to go with Rose's class to Creamer's Field on Friday for a field trip. We have been there many times before, but it is always a nice trip, and we had some awesome weather!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Rose designed these shirts at camp this summer. They got dressed separately this morning and didn't realize they had on the same shirt till Rose got home from school :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I have tried to post this twice before...perhaps third times-the-charm? I wanted to post separately about fishing this last time out camping. I had too many good pictures :)

AR has always been a fairly casual fisher. Untill this year she mastered the fly pole...she was having so much fun, her poor hands ended up blistered!

Of course Liam had no problem fishing for hours.

Even I had to do some serious fishing. Rose was really wanting to try eating some grayling this year so we actually had to pay attention to how big the fishes were.

Grilled grayling stuffed with herbs (thanks Mom!), butter, and seasoned salt, delish! Er sorta, says Kyle...they are very bony and mushy. Us fish-lovers very much liked them on crackers for lunch!

I couldn't resist one picture of Abbie Rose playing with the fish bits. Such fun to be able to look your food over well before eating! :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

First day of school 2011

Liam, 13 years old, eighth grade, Tanana Middle School.

Abbie Rose, 8 years old, third grade, Weller Elementary School.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Last trip camping

Because school will be starting next week and Kyle's schedule has shifted around so he will be working weekends, this was probably our last trip camping for this summer.

Unfortunately Liam was just beginning to get over a cold and so gave it to the rest of us while we were camping...evidently 2 boxes of Kleenex and a stack of hankies was not enough for snotty Eberhart noses. We ran out our third day.

But we all felt good enough to do a bunch of fishing, prospecting and wandering on the beach.

Also grilling!

The weather was fairly nice too, which is all you can really hope for this close to fall.

The end for this year, but at least we had a great trip! I also have a bunch more photos to share, some art projects by the kids and a bunch about fishing....stay tuned :)

Friday, August 5, 2011


I scored ties to use for sewing projects at a yard sale this summer...I decided to wash them to hang on the line yesterday as it was actually sunny!

I knew I had quite a few but seeing them all hung up in a row made me wonder just how many, you guessed it, 102!

Some are pretty nice ones, if anybody who wears ties needs a new one let me know before I start creating :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The hint chair

I posted a hint using this view months ago...I decided the pale blue was the wrong color, so had to re-spray in the brown.

Finally all finished! This chair is for Lily for her birthday (belated :P ) All the covers are removable/washable and it matches the table we refinished for her.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy birthday to Lorna!

Pretty flowers and cards,

growing grandkids,

and tasty treats! I would say it was a good birthday :)