My cousin, Jessie, did a photo challenge on her blog and my sister, Lily followed on her blog. I think it is too much fun (and I have been slacking off on here) so I am going to go too.
#1 says a photo of me and 15 facts:

1. Kyle took this picture of me, which is a little shocking...I had to go all the way back to Aussie day to find a flattering pic of myself.
2. I have at least 10 unfinished sewing projects right now.
3. I made yellow curry and beef fried rice for dinner.
4. I HAVE to have coffee every morning.
5. I have purple sparkled nails right now (surprised right?)
6. I am going to go to J&J's wedding in Australia!!!!
7. I can spin rod fish all day and not catch a thing, and still be ready to fish after the kids go to bed.
8. I am still shopping for a new house.
9. I would rather stay up all night and sleep in.
10. I don't like fresh grapes.
11. I am willing to try any new food once.
12. I have new coconut lipbalm.
13. Most perfumes give me a headache.
14. I am addicted to facebook.
15. My feet are cold.