I went with Rose Girl Scouts troop on a field trip today. We went to the Borough Animal Shelter to deliver some toys and food as a donation bought with some of the money they earned from cookie sales. Then on to the Fairbanks Rescue mission to drop off all the donated boxes of ordered cookies. A good experience was had at both places, we were met by directors at each venue and given a tour.
Rose has on her new shirt the Easter Bunny brought. And yes, she did her own hair, for some reason she likes to have two different clippies....but it is out of her eyes and makes her happy, so whatever!This was taken at the animal shelter, I have some other great pics, but I have to wait to see if the other parents mind their kids photo being shown in public. Rose picked out the next dog she wants, a Mastiff! He is very cute and roughly horse sized....I will be interested to see if she gets a big dog when she has to pay for it's care, feeding, pooping and personal space! Most of the other girls were all about the tiny Pomeranian, but she has always wanted a giant dog.

I also wanted to post about my new shirt! I saw a tutorial on how to make a drape neck top online a while ago and I finally made one. The pattern is based of of a well fitting shirt I already own you just add some more in the front....and because I made it, it's actually long enough and my favorite color :)