Notice the noodles?? Part of Abbie's dinner, but still they are next to the squirrel!
At Liam's camp he got to hunt for small game. He and one other boy each found and shot a squirrel. The camp counselor suggested a braise then frying like chicken. Today that is what we had to try with our burgers for supper...just a snack, squirrels are not so large in Alaska!
Liam said it tasted some like rabbit, Abbie said it was hard, Kyle was not a fan...I think it tastes a little like liver. Very "brown" flavored and kinda tough, it is hard to get a good taste because it is so small with so many bones. I am thinking stewed would be better. Liam thought it was awesome he got to eat something he directly harvested. He got to track, shoot, gut and skin this animal himself! Next time I will have him cook it too! There will also be a post about the tanning of the hide, a multi-day process.